accelerator2Create your own accelerator program:  Many companies and universities are creating their own accelerators. It’s one of the best ways to keep up with new ideas, fresh talent and even discover investment opportunities and great insights for your open innovation programs.

The steps to achieve it are:

  • design your objectives: align this action with the company strategy
  • raise awareness/advocacy: explain inside your company what you’re going to do and promote talent profiles
  • organize a call for projects: look for the best projects in your area
    • communicate: advertise, social media…
    • screening: select the best projects
    • host a selection forum: an event for the final project selection
  • run the accelerator: work with the projects you selected
    • design the space: to improve collaboration and skills
    • training: teach the startups about different topics
    • mentoring: experts will provide specific support to projects
    • networking and events: be part of the startup scene
    • support: solve the daily problems of startups
    • investment: conditions, contracts…
    • monitor/track: know what happened with your projects, finalists…
    • globalize: make the startups international
  • media and demo day: show the world the new face of the project after acceleration

We are able to develop the whole program for you or just be involved in specific steps. We’re usually involved in the screening process and in designing the training program.